
Friday, September 20, 2013

Fitness Friday 9/20

Last week, my husband uttered words I never thought I would hear him say. 

Jason: “Hey! Do you want to go for a run?”
Me: “Me? As in…you and I? Together??”
Jason: “Yeah something like that!”

After I picked my jaw off the floor in astonishment, I hurried to put on my running shoes before he changed his mind. We completed 8.5 miles of running/walking in his first week of training and he seemed to enjoy it!

On Monday, he was fitted for “real” running shoes, and… we are!

Currently training for: Woman’s Half Marathon - December 8, Louisiana
Rock N Roll New Orleans Half Marathon – February 2, 2013, Louisiana


Saturday – 12 mile run with the running group
Sunday – Rest Day 
Monday – Run/Walk with Jason – 3 miles 
Tuesday – Rest Day
Wednesday – Cross Train with “boot camp” style workout
Thursday – 4 mile run
Friday – Household plans/projects – this time, it’s our garage that’s going to get it!

Yesterday, I ran 4 miles in the drizzling rain, which was a nice distraction from the warm afternoon temperatures. I pushed myself (which I haven’t done in a while) and really felt it in the end. My goal was to stay around an 8:45 pace. Could I have kept going after 4 miles? No. I gave those four miles all I had and I was worn out by the time I finished. I even went to sleep earlier than usual on Thursday night!


The ran definitely kept me cool! I can’t wait for Fall weather to make its way to Louisiana!


I stopped my watch when I stopped for water at mile 2. Apparently my Garmin thought it was running a cool down with Kara Goucher because it paused at a “6:11” pace. Really? I’ve never run anything remotely close to that pace in my life! Well, maybe in my dreams…but definitely not in reality!


Speaking of fast, I had to purchase a new pair of shoes this week. Mizuno quit making Wave Nirvana’s earlier this year and I stocked up on discounted shoes when I found out. Sadly, my last pair of Nirvana’s is on its last leg. After some research, I discovered that Mizuno is coming out with somewhat of a replacement for the Nirvana in January. In the meantime, I’ve been fitted for the Wave Inspire. Isn’t it pretty?
Bright + Hot Pink + Running Shoes = Fast. Am I wrong? Well, maybe a tad delusional.

How was your week? Any exciting adventures to share? I love a good adventure! :0)


  1. That is so awesome - you've inspired him! My husband won't run with me, but we bike together and it is such a great thing to have a hobby that we can do together. Hopefully the running bug sticks with Jason!

    1. I think the part that kicked him in the tail was the Disneyland races. He saw a friend of mine's husband and couldn't believe his eyes. We will see how this goes! I agree that it's a great hobby to do together! I enjoy spending the time with him! :0)

  2. I wish my finacee would run with me! That's great that you two have started running together.
    I LOVE your new shoes! I'm running in Saucony's but am thinking of switching to Mizuno's.
    Karen @karenlovestorun

    1. Thanks Karen! I used to be in Saucony's - the Hurricane. When the Mezamashii project came up, I was looking for a new shoe (it was also around the time I was dealing with an injury)...I loved the Mizuno's and that was the end of my shoe searching. It's all in what works for you. I did love the Hurricanes - I still have my very first pair! :0)

  3. New shoes are awesome!! Always like opening a present on Christmas morning! Love it! And great job on your hubby wanting to go for a run with you! We are trying to find something...anything that Chris wants to do.

    1. I agree! Love new shoes!! :0) Jason and I like to bike together, too...would Chris be interested in that?

  4. Nice speed run this week Karen. You must be so excited that Jason has started running. When are you signing him up for a local race, wink wink!

    1. Thanks so much! I keep asking but he's not agreeing to that one yet! Haha!

  5. wait, jason is running now? When did I miss this?!

    1. He just started last week! LOL You didn't miss anything!! :0)

  6. My husband prayed for years that I would start running with him. I think he envisioned nice 3 mile jogs where we laughed and talked (ha!) Nope! Now that I've caught the running bug I'm dragging his butt out of bed at 6AM for a 10 mile run! When he complains I just remind him that he's getting what he prayed for!
    That said, running together has been the icing on an already pretty good marriage cake! There is just something so bonding about running together. And that doesn't necessarily mean "side by side". During training season we each run at our own pace. But just the shared experiences and common goals is awesome! Just watch out! He may turn out to be the one pushing YOU!

  7. Fun! My husband jokes that he wouldn't be able to keep up with me (which is great for the ego, I must say! LOL)

    Lots of half marathons for you! You are doing the GSC too, right? I'm pretty sure you are b/c I have been all giddy about meeting you...not a stalker, I swear! ;) As for Adventure...meh. Lots of petsitting and one of my sons taking the ACT tomorrow. Not very adventuresome week here!

    1. Yes the GSC is my next runDisney event! :0) I'm excited to meet you as well!! Hope you have a great wishes to your son on the ACT!

  8. That's awesome about your husband! Part of me wishes my husband would get on board with running so we could go together...but then the rest of me knows that I would get way too competitive and that would be horrible! Its great that he enjoyed it!

    1. That's the truth! My brother is that way but my husband isn't super competitive so I think we will be ok! :0)

  9. Congrats, Jason! Is he planning an event or just getting into running for fun? That's awesome, either way!

    My week has been too adventurous. . so I'll leave it at that! haha.

    1. I tried getting him to sign up for a local 5K but he said he's not ready for that just yet! We shall see! :0) Uhoh....hope your weekend slows down for you!

  10. I love new shoes!! And the color is awesome!

  11. Yay for your Jason! I wish my Jason would run with me..well...he did once but didn't enjoy it as much as me :)

    1. So funny! I understand that one all too well, that's kind of how it went with my Jason the first time he ever tried to run with me...he really truly did not enjoy it at all. This time seems different so we shall see! :0)

  12. That's so awesome that your hubby wants to run with you. My hubby has started training for a his half. It's awesome to share in the love of running with a spouse! I also love your shoes!

  13. I love running with my husband and I'm so glad yours wants to run with you. It's so awesome to be able to share that with someone. Sorry about the shoes, this happens to me all the time, but glad they have something similar coming out soon!
