WOW...what a weekend it's been, as I'm sure you can tell from the title of this post!
It all began on Friday with a luncheon and an awards presentation. For the past two months, we've had a summer program at my hospital where high school seniors have rotated through various departments in the hospital.
The program is an amazing one as it gives each student a chance to see what areas of medicine they might be interested in and what areas they might not be interested in. I sure wish a program like this one had been around when I was in high school! Fun fact: As a junior/senior in high school, I volunteered at the very same hospital where I am currently employed! Fun times!
Each month of the program, the students voted a favorite physician and an employee of the month. For the month of July, I was nominated as the employee of the month! What a fun honor!
On Friday night, my brother and his wife came into town for a little birthday celebration. My mom's birthday fell on Friday and my brother's birthday is this week, so we combined the two celebrations!
Two birthdays means two cakes!
So good!
Jason worked this weekend, so my friend Kim volunteered to watch Brayden while I went out for my Saturday morning long run. I wanted to add a few extra miles to my long run to see how it would go. I've been keeping at 6 miles on Saturdays since May, so I added a few extra for a total of 8 miles.
Along the way, I spotted lots of beautiful flowers and a few yard ornaments, too! These birds scared me at first because I thought they were real!
They were kind of hiding behind the brush and the flash of pink made me do a double take!
The humidity and heat kicked my TAIL on Saturday. I felt gross by the time it was all said and done and my legs were so sore. Thankfully, I have plenty of time to train before January and Dopey Challenge but I'm not gonna lie, Saturday's run worried me a little bit...
It'll all pay off in the end, though!
After the run, I brought Starbucks home for my friend Kim and I to enjoy.
Not long after we ate, Brayden was walking down the hallway and wiped out. His feet got tangled beneath him and he hit the ground HARD and lost consciousness. It all happened so fast (pretty sure it was no longer than the span of 30 seconds), but after re-evaluating the moment, we think he actually held his breath and passed out. I was on the phone with 911 when he came to. I did a quick neuro check on him and although I knew in my heart and mind that he was 100% ok, I still wanted another set of eyes on him and maybe even a CT Scan. (I told the 911 operator that we would be driving him to the ER instead since he was screaming by that point.)
My friend Kim rode with us to the ER to keep Brayden awake in the backseat because (of course), all of this took place around nap time. After being evaluated in ER, we were told that the fact that Brayden lost consciousness warranted a non-contrast CT Scan (non-contrast meant no IV)! He also didn't have to be sedated as they allowed me in the room with him (with a lead apron) and they had all of the equipment to strap him to the table.
Brayden cried from the moment they attempted to put the hospital bracelet on him until we walked out of the door. I thought it was funny that we were put in "room 5" aka the room at the VERY end of the hallway!
Within a very short time frame - seriously it was less than 90 minutes from start to finish - we were given the green light and were discharged home.
Am I glad we went? Absolutely. We were given excellent care and the peace of mind knowing everything was ok was completely worth it.
After we returned home, we watched a little Lilo and Stitch and hung out for the remainder of the afternoon.
On Sunday, the bow tie returned as we had church to attend!
These two crack me up! What a pair!
After church (and during Brayden's nap time), I watched the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony with my second favorite Astro, Jeff Bagwell!
It seems so crazy that just two short years ago, we were in Cooperstown to watch as my all-time favorite Astro, Craig Biggio, was inducted into the hall! I was so excited to watch Jeff's induction via the MLB Network this year! Such a fun time to be an Astros fan! :)
Well, that was my weekend in a nutshell! How was your weekend? Any exciting things happen?
Monday, July 31, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
Dopey Challenge Training Week 6
In last week's training recap, I mentioned that I had been experiencing a sore hamstring. I took the advice that so many of you gave and laid off my long run on Saturday, iced my leg, and took it easy throughout the weekend. I'm happy to report that by Tuesday's run, all hamstring tightness and soreness was gone! Yay! I appreciate your advice and am (hopefully) moved past the point of injury!
Currently Training For:
Sunday - 2 mile walk
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - Cross Training
Apart from my cooky hamstring, this past week was an emotional struggle. My best running friend laid her son to rest and needless to say, getting mileage in wasn't a priority. If you guys could continue to be in prayer for Heather and her family, I know she would appreciate it (so would I)! Thank you!
On Sunday after visitation, I had to get out of the house - so Brayden and I went for a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood. Now that I've been pushing the Bob consistently on our runs and walks together, I appreciate the Bob so much more when I use non-Bob strollers! The Bob is just such an easy ride in ways other strollers are not!
After the funeral on Tuesday, Brayden and I went for a 3 mile run and dedicated our run to Heather! She's a big Snow White fan, so we both wore our 7 Dwarfs shirt for her! :)
This run was great because although it was so very hot out, I had zero hamstring issues and still managed negative splits with the Bob! Mile 1 was 9:34, mile 2 was 9:18, and mile 3 was 9:14!
Melissa joined us for our Thursday night miles! The temps were "feels like" 102 degrees but the humidity was low - thankfully, it wasn't overwhelmingly hot.
This silly kid loves to take glasses off my face and hats off my head, then he tries to put them back!
On Wednesday, Brayden had his 15 month appointment and is doing very well as far as development and growth are concerned! He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. The doctor wasn't terribly concerned about his vocabulary (he only has about 3 words or so down now), so we will see what his 18 month appointment brings!
Have a great weekend, y'all!
Currently Training For:
- Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
- Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Sunday - 2 mile walk
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - Cross Training
Apart from my cooky hamstring, this past week was an emotional struggle. My best running friend laid her son to rest and needless to say, getting mileage in wasn't a priority. If you guys could continue to be in prayer for Heather and her family, I know she would appreciate it (so would I)! Thank you!
On Sunday after visitation, I had to get out of the house - so Brayden and I went for a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood. Now that I've been pushing the Bob consistently on our runs and walks together, I appreciate the Bob so much more when I use non-Bob strollers! The Bob is just such an easy ride in ways other strollers are not!
After the funeral on Tuesday, Brayden and I went for a 3 mile run and dedicated our run to Heather! She's a big Snow White fan, so we both wore our 7 Dwarfs shirt for her! :)
This run was great because although it was so very hot out, I had zero hamstring issues and still managed negative splits with the Bob! Mile 1 was 9:34, mile 2 was 9:18, and mile 3 was 9:14!
Melissa joined us for our Thursday night miles! The temps were "feels like" 102 degrees but the humidity was low - thankfully, it wasn't overwhelmingly hot.
This silly kid loves to take glasses off my face and hats off my head, then he tries to put them back!
On Wednesday, Brayden had his 15 month appointment and is doing very well as far as development and growth are concerned! He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. The doctor wasn't terribly concerned about his vocabulary (he only has about 3 words or so down now), so we will see what his 18 month appointment brings!
Have a great weekend, y'all!
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars
Breakfast is a super important meal, no doubt about it. As runners/athletes, eating a quick (or not so quick) bite before a long run is especially important to sustain our body during those long miles.
Over the past year or so, I've struggled with my morning long-run breakfast routine - nothing tasted right or felt right on my stomach. Now that training for Dopey Challenge has officially begun, I've found something that tastes great, is light and easy to eat, and is easy on my stomach - Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars!
These beyond cereal bars come in three flavors - Cinnamon Roll, Chocolate, and Waffle and are available 24/7 at 7-Eleven stores nationwide!
Need a great tasting, quick and convenient breakfast on the go? Look no further - these beyond cereal protein bars fit the bill! They are even stacked next to my running bag for an easy grab-and-go breakfast before morning long runs.
Each bar has 110 calories and are packed with 12g of protein which makes it a healthier quick and easy breakfast option! Instead of being made from grains like other leading breakfast bars, these are made with protein. Quest also uses a form of sugar called allulose which is found in natural things like figs and raisins. These bars have less sugar than leading breakfast bars without compromising the great taste!
Have you ever tried a Quest Bar/Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bar?
Don't forget to stop by your local 7-Eleven for this quick and easy breakfast on the go from Quest Nutrition!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Not Alone
Yesterday, my sweet running buddy Heather said goodbye to one of the most precious people in her life, her 22 year old son.
Although I didn't know Andrew well, Heather and I had many talks about him during our runs throughout the years and I saw Andrew from a different perspective - through the heart of a mom that loved him so much and would have roped the moon for him had he asked her to do so.
My heart is so broken for my friend as she mourns the life of her son that she loved so much.
Through this devastating and heartbreaking time, I've seen so much courage from his family. From his obituary to the funeral service itself, they've done everything possible to give hope to those who are suffering and in a dark place in their lives. From their own broken hearts, they are reaching out to others who are also broken. What a powerful testimony of love and grace.
Andrew's obituary was so beautifully written by his amazing mom, I only saw it fitting to share bits and pieces of it here.
Andrew, 22, passed away on July 21, 2017.
Andrew struggled with addiction and depression. In the end the depression is what took our beautiful son. Right now we as parents know no answers. But this is what we do know and will hold on to. Andrew was a smart, funny, handsome, quick witted, athletic son. He had a smile that would brighten our day. He had a big heart and always had a soft spot for animals and stray dogs. Andrew was excellent at skate boarding. Andrew enjoyed going with his dad to hunt in Texas. Andrew loved his niece and nephew and his face would light up when they would call him “Uncle Andrew.” He enjoyed trips to New Orleans and loved New York. On our last evening with Andrew, he smiled, we laughed together, we made plans for the weekend, we hugged, said “I love you, see you this weekend.”
If you have family or a friend who is struggling find a way to help reach out, be kind and compassionate. A smile and laughter are sometimes hiding the darkness. If you are struggling with addiction and or depression tell someone, tell a friend, tell your mom or dad, or sister or brother. Reach out, there is help. You are loved and by reaching out others will be there for you to help you through the darkness. In lieu of flowers, show acts of kindness, tell your kids every chance you can you love them and hug them when you can, even when they try to pull away.
Please be in prayer for my sweet friend and her family. Pray for peace, comfort, and strength for the days ahead. It's so hard to see the world continue to go on when it seems as if your world has completely ended. I can't even imagine the pain they are feeling right now.
And if you're in a place where you feel as if the darkness is overtaking you, please reach out - there's always someone there who loves you and cares for you and wants to help you. You are not alone.
Best Running Friend,
Monday, July 24, 2017
Tips from Jeff Galloway: Staying on Track in the Summer
It's been a little while since I shared tips from Jeff Galloway with you! Now that we are midway through summer, here's a few training tips from Jeff about staying on track during this warm and humid time of year! Enjoy!
Summer months can be challenging for runners. In between traveling, hot weather, and family activities, many people can have a hard time staying on track. Here are three tips to use this summer!
#1 Use a Journal for Motivation
Runners tend to run more when journaling. A journal can help with accountability and motivation. Those who journal tend to run more days per year, have more motivation, and are more successful. In addition, journals give you control over your running: better planning, timely adjusting, discovering trends that led to success or injury.
#2 The Magic Mile
Want to know how fast you can run? The magic mile has been the best predictor Jeff has found. Has anyone ever tried this? I need to!!
#3 Salt Replacement
Do you need salt when it's hot? While most cramps are due to muscle exhaustion, you need to replace the salt you lose in sweat during hot weather. It is rare to be low in sodium but if so, try a buffered salt tablet during/after workouts that involve prolonged sweating.
Do you like to use a journal to document your running journey? Have you ever tried the magic mile?
Summer months can be challenging for runners. In between traveling, hot weather, and family activities, many people can have a hard time staying on track. Here are three tips to use this summer!
#1 Use a Journal for Motivation
Runners tend to run more when journaling. A journal can help with accountability and motivation. Those who journal tend to run more days per year, have more motivation, and are more successful. In addition, journals give you control over your running: better planning, timely adjusting, discovering trends that led to success or injury.
#2 The Magic Mile
Want to know how fast you can run? The magic mile has been the best predictor Jeff has found. Has anyone ever tried this? I need to!!
#3 Salt Replacement
Do you need salt when it's hot? While most cramps are due to muscle exhaustion, you need to replace the salt you lose in sweat during hot weather. It is rare to be low in sodium but if so, try a buffered salt tablet during/after workouts that involve prolonged sweating.
Do you like to use a journal to document your running journey? Have you ever tried the magic mile?
Galloway Tips,
Jeff Galloway,
Run Walk Run,
Summer Running,
Friday, July 21, 2017
Dopey Challenge Training Week 5
Another week has come and gone in the quest for Walt Disney World's Marathon Weekend and Dopey Challenge! Here's how my week went:
Currently Training For:
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - Cross Training
This week, I began to have some tightness in my left hamstring which concerned me a bit. It began towards the end of Saturday's run, then again towards the end of Tuesday's run. I took Sunday and Monday off, thinking it would help...I also took it easy the remainder of the week and added in some foam rolling, ice, and massage.
The morning sky was very picturesque during Saturday's run, although the humidity was at 94%! YUCK!
I had the opportunity to stick around after Saturday's run to talk with some of my running group friends which was nice! You have no idea how much I miss the camaraderie of a running group. We have about 12 or so of us now which I'm very grateful for, but I still miss the way things used to be. *sigh.
For Thursday's miles, we went on a 3 mile family walk around the neighborhood!
If you saw my insta-story rant during Thursday's walk, let me explain. So, one of the major roads out of my neighborhood has been closed since April 24. It was set to open back on June 16. Well, it's July 21 and the road still remains closed because we've had SO much dang rain. I, however have taken advantage of this road closure and made it a new-ish running route which is fresh and new and nice for me since I've been running the old route for 8+ years. Once the road opens again, I won't be able to run this route any longer due to the business of the road.
Construction is ALMOST complete but it's not quite there yet and the "Road Closed" signs still remain. However, some crazy people have taken upon themselves to interpret the fact that because black top has been poured, they can drive on the road.......even though it's STILL closed to through traffic.
Their driving on the road doesn't hinder me or affect me in any way, I guess I've always been a "follow the rules" kind of girl and it just irritates me a bit, especially when I have to move out of their way because they are having to drive around "Road Closed" signs.
My annoyance at the crazy people didn't hinder my enjoyment of the gorgeous sunset on Thursday night! We spent a bit of time outside as a family and had a great time together!
Currently Training For:
- Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
- Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 3 mile run
Wednesday - Squats/Lunges/PT
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - Cross Training
This week, I began to have some tightness in my left hamstring which concerned me a bit. It began towards the end of Saturday's run, then again towards the end of Tuesday's run. I took Sunday and Monday off, thinking it would help...I also took it easy the remainder of the week and added in some foam rolling, ice, and massage.
The morning sky was very picturesque during Saturday's run, although the humidity was at 94%! YUCK!
I had the opportunity to stick around after Saturday's run to talk with some of my running group friends which was nice! You have no idea how much I miss the camaraderie of a running group. We have about 12 or so of us now which I'm very grateful for, but I still miss the way things used to be. *sigh.
Instead of my Saturday post run ritual of Starbucks, I went home and make breakfast for us instead! Yum!
I spent the last half mile of Tuesday's run walking back home. I didn't want to push my hamstring and do any crazy damage, so I took it easy. Hopefully resting, foam rolling, and icing will help!
For Thursday's miles, we went on a 3 mile family walk around the neighborhood!
If you saw my insta-story rant during Thursday's walk, let me explain. So, one of the major roads out of my neighborhood has been closed since April 24. It was set to open back on June 16. Well, it's July 21 and the road still remains closed because we've had SO much dang rain. I, however have taken advantage of this road closure and made it a new-ish running route which is fresh and new and nice for me since I've been running the old route for 8+ years. Once the road opens again, I won't be able to run this route any longer due to the business of the road.
Construction is ALMOST complete but it's not quite there yet and the "Road Closed" signs still remain. However, some crazy people have taken upon themselves to interpret the fact that because black top has been poured, they can drive on the road.......even though it's STILL closed to through traffic.
Their driving on the road doesn't hinder me or affect me in any way, I guess I've always been a "follow the rules" kind of girl and it just irritates me a bit, especially when I have to move out of their way because they are having to drive around "Road Closed" signs.
My annoyance at the crazy people didn't hinder my enjoyment of the gorgeous sunset on Thursday night! We spent a bit of time outside as a family and had a great time together!
I plan on attempting another long run on Saturday if my hamstring allows! I'm going to start the run slow and see what happens from there!
Last but not least, although it
has nothing to do with running related things, I just have to share a
picture of my little man and his adorable outfit from the Disney Store!
He was all dressed and ready for church on Sunday and this outfit was a
HIT! Everyone loved it!
That's it for my week! I hope you all have a great weekend!! Stay safe and hydrated! :)
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
My Favorite View
Disney favorites - there's too many to count! Favorite resort, favorite food, favorite get the picture! When it comes to my favorite Disney views, there's no way to choose just one. From the entrance sign to the castle, any runDisney start line, Castaway Cay, the monorail, and amazing resort views, this list goes on and on! Today, I chose a few pictures of my favorite Disney views to share with you in this week's Wordless Wednesday!
Want to participate in an upcoming Wordless Wednesday? Click on the button below for more details! 
What's your favorite Disney view?
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
What I Love/Hate About Summer Running
Summer running - it sounds dreadful but oddly refreshing at the same time. I have a love/hate relationship with running during the summer months as I refuse to use a treadmill unless absolutely necessary. As I began to make a list of my loves/hates with summer running, I honestly thought my list of dislikes would be longer than my list of likes, but it appears that isn't so!
-Endurance built up from running when it's difficult to breathe - I mean really...when cool fall weather hits, I feel like I can run super fast! Ok, maybe not but you know what I mean.
-Sweating - You know sometimes you just need to run and work up a good sweat? It feels oddly cleansing!
-Summer storm showers that make afternoon runs a little cooler - Ah yes, so refreshing. Getting caught in a shower during a hot run is fun, too (unless you have a baby with you...whoops).
-Running through sprinklers or jumping in a swimming pool after a nice, hot run - It's so very refreshing!
-That feeling of you just did something really hard core by going for a run in "feels like" temperatures of 100+ degrees. No, I don't recommend this.
-Longer daylight hours for late evening running.
-Heat. Yuck.
-Humidity. Double Yuck. Welcome to the south!
-Mosquitos - the official state bird of Louisiana (no, not just seems like it around here)
-That feeling after a hard run that you might unload all of your stomach contents on the side of the road - Yeah, gross.
As I mentioned before, I'm surprised that my dislike list isn't longer than it is! Maybe I really DO enjoy running in the summer? Maybe.
Today's Tuesdays on the Run topic was hosted by Patty, Erika, & Marcia!
-Endurance built up from running when it's difficult to breathe - I mean really...when cool fall weather hits, I feel like I can run super fast! Ok, maybe not but you know what I mean.
-Sweating - You know sometimes you just need to run and work up a good sweat? It feels oddly cleansing!
-Summer storm showers that make afternoon runs a little cooler - Ah yes, so refreshing. Getting caught in a shower during a hot run is fun, too (unless you have a baby with you...whoops).
-Running through sprinklers or jumping in a swimming pool after a nice, hot run - It's so very refreshing!
-That feeling of you just did something really hard core by going for a run in "feels like" temperatures of 100+ degrees. No, I don't recommend this.
-Longer daylight hours for late evening running.
-Heat. Yuck.
-Humidity. Double Yuck. Welcome to the south!
-Mosquitos - the official state bird of Louisiana (no, not just seems like it around here)
-That feeling after a hard run that you might unload all of your stomach contents on the side of the road - Yeah, gross.
As I mentioned before, I'm surprised that my dislike list isn't longer than it is! Maybe I really DO enjoy running in the summer? Maybe.
Today's Tuesdays on the Run topic was hosted by Patty, Erika, & Marcia!
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Blog Archive
- Birthdays & Awards & the ER...Oh My!
- Dopey Challenge Training Week 6
- Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars
- Not Alone
- Tips from Jeff Galloway: Staying on Track in the S...
- Dopey Challenge Training Week 5
- My Favorite View
- What I Love/Hate About Summer Running
- Dopey Challenge Training Week 4
- 15 Month Brayden Update
- PopSugar Must Have Box June 2017
- Fitness Friday - Dopey Challenge Training Week 3
- 4 Miler On The 4th Of July (& A New PR)!
- Red, White, and Blue Trifle Cake
- 4th of July Weekend 2017